GSA Network News Email Archive -  December 2007

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December 19

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December 19, 2007

In this issue of GSA Network News, you'll find:

GSA Network Highlight
Activism Out & Front: Speaking Out With Your T-shirt
Go directly to GSA Network highlight

GSA Network Announcements
1. eQuality Scholarships - Apply Today!
2. Get GSA Network T-shirts, Buttons & More!
3. Re-register Your GSA Today - Get New Resources & Keep Informed!
Go directly to GSA Network announcements

Other Announcements
Northern California
4. AQU25A Holiday Party (San Francisco)
5. Bay Area Filmmaker Workshop (San Francisco)
Go directly to Northern California listings


6. California Lead Organizers Institute: Now Accepting Applications
7. Hold a Screening of Anyone and Everyone at Your School
Go directly to Statewide listings

8. Spiritual Youth for Reproductive Freedom - Training Institute
9. Register for the 2008 Creating Change Conference
10. Fresh Focus: A Sex-Ed Digital Video Contest
11. Free Documentary About Young Women & Homophobia
12. Kicked Out! Seeks Submissions
Go directly to National listings


13. Youth Team is Hiring Youth 14-16
14. Reproductive Justice Leadership Coordinator
15. Hate Violence Advocate
Go directly to Jobs listings

+++++++++++++++ GSA NETWORK HIGHLIGHT+++++++++++++++

Activism Out & Front: Speaking Out With Your T-shirt

Here at GSA Network we know that lots of GSAs design and/or distribute their own t-shirts and pins in school as a way to spread the word the about safe schools and LGBTQ student rights. Lots of clubs, for example, hand out shirts to supporters around Day of Silence. We also know that school rules around what students are allowed to wear can be tricky and you want to be prepared in case folks don’t welcome your message. To help you prepare for your potential t-shirt action on your campus, we have included below, with permission, excerpts from the ACLU LGBT Rights Project’s ( resource sheet on t-shirts and students’ free speech rights.
For the full text, go to

No obscenities, No Threats, Nothing Lewd or Vulgar
Wearing an LGBT-positive t-shirt is speech or expression, protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, the landmark case establishing student free speech rights, the Supreme Court said that students are not required to "shed [their] constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate."

This does not mean that you can put anything on your t-shirt and parade it around the campus. The law allows schools to ban obscene, threatening, or "lewd or vulgar" speech. You probably get what "obscene" or "threatening" speech is, but what is "lewd or vulgar?" The best way to explain that is to give you a real-life example. In Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser, the Supreme Court ruled that a school could suspend a student for making this speech nominating another student for student government office:

“I know a man who is firm – he's firm in his pants, he's firm in his shirt, his character is firm – but most of all, his belief in you, the students of Bethel, is firm...”

Well, you get the point.

Nothing That Will Disrupt Classes
The law says that other than for speech that falls into one of the banned categories listed above, students may express their views freely. There is a big "but" to this rule and that's where most of the court battles about t-shirts have focused. Students may express themselves freely but this may not significantly disrupt classes or interfere with the rights of others.

In deciding whether school authorities acted lawfully when punishing a student for wearing a particular t-shirt or forcing a student not to wear a controversial t-shirt, courts rigorously examine the facts of the matter to make sure that what's really going on is not flat-out censorship of an unpopular opinion – something the law is clear that schools can never do.

Courts are clear that a school's concern about other students' possible hostile reactions to a message on a t-shirt does not justify censoring it. This point is critical because school officials often try to justify censoring LGBT-positive expression by claiming that they are fearful of disruptions caused by students offended by the expression.

Two examples:
• In Boyd County High School Gay Straight Alliance v. Boyd County Board of Education, a federal court ruled that public protests over the presence of a GSA at a high school, including a sick-out by half of the high school, did not justify shutting down students' expressive activity, which was not itself disruptive.
• In Fricke v. Lynch, another federal judge ruled that a principal's concern about other students' possible violent reactions if a gay couple were allowed to attend the prom did not justify suppressing the couple's right to free expression. This judge explained his decision this way: "[t]o rule otherwise would completely subvert free speech in the school by granting other students a 'heckler's veto,' allowing them to decide through prohibited and violent methods what speech will be heard."

Legal Tips
If you end up in a fight with school authorities over your t-shirt, the facts are critically important, so collect and write them down.

• Find out, for example, whether the same or similar t-shirts have been worn to school and what, if anything, happened.
• Keep track also of when school authorities stepped in to tell you to turn your shirt inside out or to send you home to change. If it happened before classes started, for example, it's pretty hard to say that your t-shirt disrupted anything.
• Find out, too, whether other students have been allowed to express opinions at odds with yours at school.
• If you're censored, keep things cool and simple. Remain calm and polite and comply with any order from your principal or teacher. Obeying an order from a school official does not mean you agree with it and does not affect your right to challenge it through the proper channels later on.
• Refusing to change t-shirts or getting into an argument with school officials only muddies the issue, and not cooperating might provide the school with an excuse to deflect blame for its censorship onto you by saying you were insubordinate or disruptive.
• Remember to keep a copy of any written document the school gives you on this matter and to write down the name and contact information of any person who witnessed any exchange between you and a school official over your t-shirt.

You should know that the law about expressive t-shirts in school as described above applies just to students in public schools. Private school students have fewer rights.

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+++++++++++++ GSA NETWORK ANNOUNCEMENTS +++++++++++++

1. eQuality Scholarships - Apply Today!

The eQuality Scholarship Collaborative awards scholarships to graduating high-school seniors in northern and central California for their service to the LGBT community. In 2008, 10 or more $5000 scholarships will be awarded to assist with post-secondary educational expenses - tuition, books, and supplies.

Applications are available from high school guidance counselors throughout Northern and Central California.

Applicants must:
- be graduating from a high school in northern or central California;
- have applied to an accredited post-secondary institution - college, university, or trade school.

Completed applications, including transcripts and a letter of recommendation, must be postmarked no later than February 16, 2008.

The Collaborative is the joint effort of a group of individuals and organizations based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Organizational members include PG&E PrideNetwork, KP Pride, Genentech Out & Equal, Ally Action, Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, and GSA Network.

For more information or to download an application, visit the Collaborative's web site at

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2. Get GSA Network T-shirts, Buttons & More!

Another GSA Network T-shirt hot off the press... Cafepress that is. Do you just love our GSA Power postcard? Well, now it's a shirt. Buy it today and help support GSA Network!

Order one of our three New T-shirts and help support GSA Network:
* GSA Power
* A is for Ally
* Activist
* Male, Female, Other / Neither / All of the above

Also in stock:
* I heart GSA
* and our classic GSA Organizing Shirt

These new designs can ONLY be purchased at our online store. For every item you buy GSA Network gets a small donation ($3-5) to keep doing all the good work we do!!!

So, help support GSAs and look cool doing it. 

To Buy Today:

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3. Re-register Your GSA Today - Get New Resources & Keep Informed!

Before you plan any events for your GSA, remember to register or re-register your group with the GSA Network. Do it NOW to make sure you receive our student resource sheets, campaign resources, and notifications of future GSA Network or LGBT-related events. (Mailings will go out only to California GSAs in middle and high schools.)

Register online at

If you have any questions or concerns contact:

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++++++++++++++++ OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS ++++++++++++++++
GSA Network News is a publication of Gay-Straight Alliance Network. Events, resources, and news items listed under "Other Announcements" are not sponsored or written by GSA Network, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of GSA Network.

Northern California
4. AQU25A Holiday Party (San Francisco)

Hi folks! As we dive into the thick of the holiday season don't forget to make time for your queer A&PI family! We'll be celebrating next Thursday the 20th from 6-9pm in the Plumeria room - at 730 Polk St., 4th Floor, San Francisco.

We'll have the Nintendo wii going, lots of other games, a FREE white elephant gift exchange and my personal favorite: the magic mic!

Oh and of course tons of food to enjoy.

RSVP to reserve a spot in the white elephant!

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5. Bay Area Filmmaker Workshop (San Francisco)

The Frameline Gay and Lesbian Film Festival in partnership with the Bay Area Video Coalition (BAVC) are offering a FREE filmmaking workshop for youth ages 15-20 years old who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning or as an ally.

Youth will partner with an elder from the LGBT community and together will learn how to write, shoot, and edit your won film in a 4-month workshop starting January 8th, 008. The workshop will take place at the BAVC space (2727 Mariposa St., cross street Bryant in San Francisco) on Monday and Wednesday evenings and some Saturdays.

For more information and/or an application visit or email Ericka at

The application deadline is December 21, 2007

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6. California Lead Organizers Institute: Now Accepting Applications

2008 California Lead Organizers Institute: Now Accepting Applications!

The Center for Third World Organizing and the UC Berkeley Labor Center are proud to offer the 4th annual California Lead Organizers Institute (CLOI)* for lead organizers, organizing directors, and/or anyone who is responsible for supervising and developing staff in labor and community organizations.

CLOI develops organizers' skills in staff and member leadership development, strategic campaign planning, accountability systems in the workplace, and coalition building.

The year-long program begins with a week-long training at the San Juan Bautista Retreat Center on March 3rd-7th.

To apply, please complete the attached application and send it to by January 25th 2008.

For more information contact Maria Abadesco at (510) 643-1573, or Jackie Byers at (510)533-7583,

* Although CLOI is a California-based program, there are a limited number of slots for organizations outside of California.

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7. Hold a Screening of Anyone and Everyone at Your School

We are currently working on an exciting new project that I hope your school will be interested in learning about. The name of this project is Anyone and Everyone and it is a documentary by filmmaker Susan Polis Schutz. The film is a moving account of several different American families who are connected by having a son or daughter who is gay. The story interviews families from different religious and ethnic backgrounds including Japanese, Bolivian, Cherokee, Mormon, Jew, Catholic and Hindu. Through their interviews, parents describe intimate accounts of how their children revealed to them that they were gay and also talk about struggling with the pain their sons and daughters have dealt with, such as not being accepted by relatives and friends and being ostracized by their religious congregations.

We are currently working to spread the message of this important film and would like to extend an invitation to your school to hold a public screening of Anyone and Everyone. It is our goal for as many people as possible to see this moving documentary and we are eager to assist you in setting up a screening. We find that the documentary works as an excellent springboard for discussion, and we are available to help with planning and initiating a discussion following the presentation. We can also offer assistance in promoting your event and providing information and resources to students and parents. If you feel this is something that you are interested in then please feel free to contact me for more information and I will send you a copy of the DVD.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Please visit to view a three minute trailer of the film.

Erin Fitzpatrick
KPBS National Outreach Assistant
(619) 594-7307

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8. Spiritual Youth for Reproductive Freedom - Training Institute

Spiritual Youth for Reproductive Freedom (SYRF) educates, organizes and empowers youth and young adults (ages 16-30) to put their faith into action and advocate for pro-choice social justice. SYRF is a program of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. Travel, meals and housing provided free of cost to all qualified participants. Space is limited.

Registrations for the in San Francisco and Chicago trainings are currently being accepted so apply today!

For more information, visit

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9. Register for the 2008 Creating Change Conference

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force's Creating Change Conference is the nation's preeminent political, leadership and skills-building conference for the LGBT movement. During the past two decades, Creating Change has been the place where thousands of committed people have developed and honed their skills, celebrated victories, built community, and been inspired by visionaries of our and other movements for justice and equality.

The conference is February 6-10, 2008 in Detroit, MI.

Click here to learn more about Creating Change or to register:

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10. Fresh Focus: A Sex-Ed Digital Video Contest

Advocates for Youth, Internet Sexuality Information Services Inc. (ISIS), National Sexuality Resource Center (NSRC), RH Reality Check, and the Sexuality Education and Information Council of the United States (SIECUS) are running a digital video contest for people ages 15-30. The deadline to enter is December 31, 2007, and the winning entry receives $3,500!

Using digital video technology, tell us what your sex education experience was like or tell us how you would redesign sex education for the future!

For more information, please visit:

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11. Free Documentary About Young Women & Homophobia

I'm sending a link to my film's website: that has info about Lesbian Teenagers In High School - a documentary about young women and homophobia.

With the help of a generous donor, we are giving away 50 free copies of the film to local community groups that will use the film for education and activism. These groups should be able to demonstrate a need, have the ability -and plan- to implement the film in educational settings. Educational settings can be anything from conferences, to classrooms, to community meetings -or any other setting that brings people together to discuss young LGBT people and homophobia.

If you know of a community group that would benefit from having my film, please have them contact me. Community groups such as PFLAG (Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays), GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Education Network) and GSA's (Gay/Straight Alliances) all should be encouraged to contact to me to receive a free copy of the film. I'm interested to hear from these and any other community groups.

Similarly, if you would like to help fund this distribution project -and help more community groups receive the film- please contact me.

There are over 3,000 GSA's, 40 GLSEN chapters, and 500 PFLAG chapters in the country.  Help make sure they know about this terrific opportunity to fight homophobia in their communities.

Thanks so much for helping to spread the word,

Norah Salmon
Lesbian Teenagers In High School
(513) 257-7865

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Kicked Out! Seeks Submissions

Deadline: March 1, 2008

Kicked Out is a new anthology to be published by Homofactus Press, which uniquely seeks to tell the tales of former queer youth and current queer youth who were forced to leave home because of their sexuality and/or gender identity. This anthology will tell our collective stories of survival, weaving together descriptions of abuse, and homelessness with poignant accounts of the ways in which queer community centers offered sanctuary, and the power and importance of creating our own chosen families in the face of losing everything we have ever known.

Kicked Out offers advice and wisdom to the queer youth of today from those who have been in their shoes. Additionally, it provides the opportunity for readers to get a glimpse into the world of those queer youth who as a result of circumstance have to leave home, while simultaneously shattering the stereotypes of who queer youth are, and what they have the potential to

Kicked Out is a collection of stories of those of us who have survived the experiences of having to leave home as minors as a result of our gender and/or sexual identities; and it tells the tales of our queer survival. These are the stories of overcoming obstacles, not simply surviving but thriving in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity. Kicked Out will explore the diversity of our experiences across lines race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, and geographic region celebrating our differences, and showcases the ways in which they have contributed to our unique experiences.

Possible topics include, but are not limited, to:

- How being forced to leave home as a minor continues to impact your adult life.
- What happened to you when you left home and how you survived.
- Words of wisdom for today's homeless queer youth-what you wished someone had told you. Survival through the creation of "chosen family." Challenges of dealing with CPS or other agencies. Success through adversity- overcoming a troubled past.

Submissions should be between 1,500 and 2,500 words in length and previously unpublished. Submit your piece via e-mail in .doc format to

Multiple submissions per contributor are welcome. Please include a short biography and contact information with your submission. Submissions must be received no later than March 1, 2008; contributors are encouraged to submit early. Rights revert to the authors upon publication. Contributors whose work appears in the anthology will receive TBA free copy(ies) as well as ongoing royalties. Visit us online at http;//

Sassafras Lowrey is a high femme writer, artist, and activist. Ze was forced to leave home as a teenager after suffering physical violence after coming out as queer. Sassafras found hir way to queer youth organizations and movements, which quite literally saved hir life. As an adult ze has never forgotten the impact those groups had on hir life and has volunteered regularly with the queer youth of today. Sassafras lives with hir partner, two cats and a dog in New York City. Hir first book GSA to Marriage: Stories of a Life Lived Queerly is scheduled for release Summer 2008.

Jay is the founder and publisher of Homofactus Press. Read more at his personal blog.

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13. Youth Team is Hiring Youth 14-16

What is the Youth Team?
Youth Team members are a diverse group of youth from across San Francisco that will help the Mayor’s Office and the Department of Children, Youth, and their Families (DCYF) make sure that the services and programs they pay for truly meet the needs of San Francisco youth. The Youth Team collects youth input through surveys, focus groups and other methods. They create and share recommendations that represent youth voices and opinions about what they need. This powerful group of youth is an advisory group for DCYF on policies and funding decisions that affect youth now and in the future. The Youth Team is trained and supported by Youth Leadership Institute.

The Youth Team is an opportunity for you to develop leadership and advocacy skills, create lasting changes in San Francisco communities, and build meaningful relationships with other youth leaders from across San Francisco. We are currently looking for 14-16 year olds.

What does Youth Team offer you?
• Opportunities to make a positive difference in your community
• Learn how to gather input from young people across San Francisco
• Develop skills in leadership, advocacy, communication and public speaking
• Learn about public policy
• Valuable experiences and skills to use on college and professional resumes
• Meet new young people from all around San Francisco
• Fun and interesting ways to get community service hours for school
• Get paid minimum wage
Youth Team Member Responsibilities:
• Actively participate in all scheduled Youth Team meetings, trainings and events, including a retreat in early February.
• Share your ideas and opinions and be willing to learn. Youth Team is only as fun, interesting & effective as you make it!
• Be interested in working with a diverse group of youth from across the city.

What is the time commitment?
• A minimum of 5 hours a week and up to 10 hours a week
• Weekly meetings every Monday and Wednesday from 4-6:30pm
• Youth Team Trainings: 2-4 trainings per year
• Mandatory Retreat January 4th & 5th 2008

Recruitment Process:
• Complete and return application ASAP and no later than January 2nd, 2008. Contact Zakiya Harris at (415) 836-9160 ext 245 or e-mail her at: to obtain an application.
• We will contact you after receiving the application and set up an interview.

• Please type or print clearly.
• If you need more space, feel free to attach additional sheets.
• Please answer all questions.
• Please mail, fax or hand-deliver the application ASAP.
• Fill out the application as best you can. If you have any questions, please call Zakiya Harris at (415) 836-9160 ext 245 or e-mail her at:

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14. Reproductive Justice Leadership Coordinator

REACH LA Seeks...
G2G Reproductive Justice Leadership Coordinator

Reports to: Executive Director
Salary Range: $25,000 - $30,000
@ 100% time (40 hours/week) + Benefits

REACH LA is seeking a self-starter to implement the REACH LA's reproductive justice leadership program that primarily targets young women of color, ages 12-24.

Candidate should have a strong interest/background in reproductive justice, community organizing and youth development. Candidate should possess strong administrative and organizational skills, as well as excellent written and verbal communication ability. Candidate must be able to work with a variety of diverse people including staff, communityˆbased organizations, local, regional, state and national legislators and their staff, and public policy organization, women's interests groups, health and social service providers throughout the Los Angeles area.

Position Purpose:
Under the direction of the Executive Director, the Program Coordinator is responsible the G2G Sexual/Reproductive Health Leadership Program, including recruitment, training and project execution.

Principal Responsibilities:
1. Recruit and train a group of 15-20 young women of color, ages 14-24, on reproductive justice.
2. Develop activities and/or workshops that educate other young women of color about reproductive justice movement, political assessment, issues surrounding young women and the political landscape.
3. Develop activities & opportunities that introduce and engage the G2G Leadership team with local, regional, state and national legislators, staffs, and political allies. This includes producing 5 ˆ statewide "town hall" convening to bring regional youth and policy makers together to discuss issues concerning young women at sexual risk.
4. Aid in the development of an event and/or series of workshops that teach peer education methods around reproductive justice, HIV/AIDS, STI and pregnancy prevention.
5. Implement and facilitate REACH LA's Sexual Health Education By Youth workshop and event program curriculum as needed.
6. Provide one-on-one risk reduction counseling to young women at sexual risk (WSR) including client case management and resource referrals as needed.
7. Assess and evaluate program curriculum, contracts and update materials as needed.
8. Work with the Program Manager on contract reporting and annual audits.
9. Serve as public speaker or health educator for as needed.
10. Serve as a representative of REACH LA to the Los Angeles community as needed to foster collaborative partnerships with other youth-serving entities.
11. Other duties as assigned.

- In progress BS or BA degree in Public Health, health/human service, or women's studies, field or two (2) years equivalent experience in community organizing.
- One-year experience in counseling.
- Experience working with youth, primarily young women of color
- Effective oral and written communication skills.
- Current political knowledge around reproductive justice.
- Working knowledge of word processing (MS Word) and spreadsheet (MS Excel) programs.
- Current California Driver License and ability to drive to and from program sites.


- Bilingual (English/Spanish)
- Current pregnancy prevention, HIV/AIDS, STI's knowledge.
- Experience in providing workshops for at-risk populations.

Qualified persons may send letter of introduction, resume, and 3 references via fax (213) 622-0976 or by email Position open until filled.

REACH LA is an equal opportunity employer.

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15. Hate Violence Advocate

Title: Hate Violence Advocate

Community United Against Violence (CUAV) is a multicultural organization working to end violence against and within lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQQ) communities. We are also dedicated to confronting all forms of oppression, such as racism, sexism, ageism, and classism. CUAV offers a 24-hour confidential, multilingual crisis line, free counseling, legal advocacy, and emergency assistance (hotel, food and transportation vouchers) to lgbt survivors of domestic violence and hate violence. CUAV uses education as a violence prevention tool through the Speakers Bureau and the Love and Justice Project.

General Responsibilities:
This is a permanent, 20 hrs/wk position responsible for providing counseling and advocacy to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons who are victims of domestic violence or hate violence.

Specific Duties:
1. Provide short-term counseling and advocacy services to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning survivors of hate violence.

2. Provide legal advocacy and court accompaniment to survivors of violence seeking orders of protection.

3. Provide crisis support of survivors of violence including emergency housing, food, clothing, and transportation. Assist survivors in developing and maintaining a safety plan.

4. Provide case management to survivors of violence including expanding the clients resources and providing linkage to job, housing, education, health, community, and legal organizations.

5. Respond to crisis calls during the day and during occasional evening and weekend shifts and provide effective, back-up coverage for other direct services programs and general office support.

6. Participate in culturally and linguistically appropriate community education and outreach efforts particularly prioritizing underserved populations.

7. Respond to crisis calls during the day and during occasional evening and weekend shifts and provide effective, back-up coverage for other direct service programs and general office support.

8. Actively engage in agency anti-oppression work through internal work such as the people of color discussion group and the white anti-racism discussion group and external work facilitating anti-oppression trainings for other organizations.

9. Complete administrative duties including appropriate client record keeping and documentation.

10. Represent the agency at meetings with other agencies and organizations so as to enhance survivor services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons and particularly for communities facing multiple forms of oppression.

11. Participate in staff meetings, team meeting and trainings.

12. Perform other duties as coordinated by the Hate Violence Director with oversight by the Executive Director.

Job Requirements:
1. Bilingual in English and another language (Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Tagalog, Vietnamese, or other Asian language)

2. A minimum of two years prior experience in providing counseling and advocacy services preferably to violence victims and or to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender communities.

3. Demonstrated cultural competence in working with diverse populations, including communities of color, immigrants, men, women, and transgender persons, lesbians, gays, and bisexuals, persons with HIV, and persons of varying ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, and abilities.

4. Excellent communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills.

5. A Bachelor's Degree or equivalent education or life experience.

Supervisorial Relationshiop:
This position reports directly to the Hate Violence Director, with oversight by the Executive Director.

.5 FTE, Salary $33,000-35,000 FTE equivalent (.5 = $16,500-$17,500). Good benefits including three weeks paid vacation, medical, vision, dental, and long-term disability.

To Apply:
Submit cover letter and resume attention: Executive Director, CUAV, 170A Capp St. San Francisco, CA 94110.

CUAV strives to cultivate a staff that reflects the diverse communities we serve. All interested individuals, including women, people of color, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning people, and persons with disabilities including HIV positive are particularly encourage to apply.

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December 12, 2007

In this issue of GSA Network News, you'll find:

GSA Network Highlight
GSA Network’s Fourth Annual YES Conference A Success!
Go directly to GSA Network highlight

GSA Network Announcements
1. eQuality Scholarships - Apply Today!
2. Get GSA Network T-shirts, Buttons & More!
3. Re-register Your GSA Today - Get New Resources & Keep Informed!
Go directly to GSA Network announcements

Other Announcements
Southern California

4. Holiday Social for LGBTQ Youth (West Hollywood)
5. Night of Bad Before X-Mas Performance Arts 2007 (Los Angeles)
Go directly to Southern California listings

Central Valley
6. "Family" Cookbook Community Potluck Events (Stockton)
Go directly to Central Valley listings

Northern California
7. Join the Queer Youth Training Collaborative! (San Francisco)
8. Snowed In - Youth Winter Dance (San Jose)
9. Bay Area Filmmaker Workshop (San Francisco)
10. Apply for Revolution 101 (Bay Area)
11. Design a T-shirt & Win an iphone! (Bay Area)
12. Members Needed for Human Rights Commission Advisory Committees (San Francisco)
Go directly to Northern California listings


13. Queer Youth Models Needed for LGBTQ Foster Care Campaign
Go directly to Statewide listings

14. Help Save Birth Control Now - Not Next Year!
15. Fresh Focus: A Sex-Ed Digital Video Contest
16. Kicked Out! Seeks Submissions
Go directly to National listings

17. NEWS: State Sued Over Student Law
Go directly to News listings

+++++++++++++++ GSA NETWORK HIGHLIGHT+++++++++++++++

GSA Network’s Fourth Annual YES Conference A Success!

Over 300 youth activists and participants came together on Saturday, December 8, to participate in GSA Network’s annual Youth Empowerment Summit. This event, which took place at Everett Middle School in San Francisco, focused on networking and educating GSA members on key issues and skills everyone could use when organizing with their GSA clubs to fight homophobia and transphobia in their schools and communities.

Youth attendee: “I had a great time and learned a lot of new things that I will take back when I return to school.”

The day opened up with speeches from activists and LGBTQ allies both young and older. Cecilia Chung, Deputy Director at the Transgender Law Center, spoke about the importance of trans-inclusion within the larger LGTBQ movement and how to work to ensure the movement is fully inclusive. She was followed by Brandon Raphael and Kiernan Gatewood, Davis High School students, who shared with the audience their recent experience of being crowned their school’s first-ever Homcoming Princes. Finally, we screened a clip from Tru Loved, an upcoming film focusing on the relationships between a straight student who befriends a gay, closeted member of the football team at her new school. They join together to form a GSA with the school’s only openly gay student.

The conference featured a total of thirty workshops throughout the day, and topics included legal rights for LGBTQ students, pioneers of the FTM community, safer sex, the importance of anti-racism work for the GSA movement, how to conduct an anti-slur campaign, how to fight for LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum in schools, and many more. Attendees also took part in caucuses where they had an opportunity to network and share advice with other GSA members from their own specific geographic regions.

Youth attendee: “I felt as a straight ally, I can find ways of stopping discrimination.”

The all-day event included a resource fair in which nearly twenty community organizations participated. After a day full of education and sharing, everyone reassembled in the auditorium for the closing ceremony where they listened to students perform poems they had written during the spoken word workshop. It was a fabulous end to a fabulous event! Finally, everyone who stuck around afterwards partied together at the dance and drag show held later that night in the Everett school cafeteria.

Workshop presenter: “My first time participating as a volunteer to present workshops. I was empowered and glad that we had this opportunity because there is nothing like this back in my country (Japan).”

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped make this event run smoothly! Please send any pictures you would like to share to

GSA Network hopes to see you all again next year for the fifth annual YES Conference!

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+++++++++++++ GSA NETWORK ANNOUNCEMENTS +++++++++++++

1. eQuality Scholarships - Apply Today!

The eQuality Scholarship Collaborative awards scholarships to graduating high-school seniors in northern and central California for their service to the LGBT community. In 2008, 10 or more $5000 scholarships will be awarded to assist with post-secondary educational expenses - tuition, books, and supplies.

Applications are available from high school guidance counselors throughout Northern and Central California.

Applicants must:
- be graduating from a high school in northern or central California;
- have applied to an accredited post-secondary institution - college, university, or trade school.

Completed applications, including transcripts and a letter of recommendation, must be postmarked no later than February 16, 2008.

The Collaborative is the joint effort of a group of individuals and organizations based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Organizational members include PG&E PrideNetwork, KP Pride, Genentech Out & Equal, Ally Action, Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, and GSA Network.

For more information or to download an application, visit the Collaborative's web site at

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2. Get GSA Network T-shirts, Buttons & More!

Another GSA Network T-shirt hot off the press... Cafepress that is. Do you just love our GSA Power postcard? Well, now it's a shirt. Buy it today and help support GSA Network!

Order one of our three New T-shirts and help support GSA Network:
* GSA Power
* A is for Ally
* Activist
* Male, Female, Other / Neither / All of the above

Also in stock:
* I heart GSA
* and our classic GSA Organizing Shirt

These new designs can ONLY be purchased at our online store. For every item you buy GSA Network gets a small donation ($3-5) to keep doing all the good work we do!!!

So, help support GSAs and look cool doing it. 

To Buy Today:

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3. Re-register Your GSA Today - Get New Resources & Keep Informed!

Before you plan any events for your GSA, remember to register or re-register your group with the GSA Network. Do it NOW to make sure you receive our student resource sheets, campaign resources, and notifications of future GSA Network or LGBT-related events. (Mailings will go out only to California GSAs in middle and high schools.)

Register online at

If you have any questions or concerns contact:

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++++++++++++++++ OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS ++++++++++++++++
GSA Network News is a publication of Gay-Straight Alliance Network. Events, resources, and news items listed under "Other Announcements" are not sponsored or written by GSA Network, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of GSA Network.

Southern California
4. Holiday Social for LGBTQ Youth (West Hollywood)

Join the C.I.T.Y. x1 Youth Group as they present their 4th annual Egg Nogg Youth Social on Dec. 15th!

This free event will have free junk food, music, an art show, raffles, community resources, special surprises, and more! The social is for LGTBQ youth (14-24) and their allies and will be an alcohol-tobacco-free event. If you want to perform, participate in the art show, or volunteer, call (310) 712-3918.

When: Saturday, December 15th, 2007
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Where: Plummer Park in West Hollywood (7377 Santa Monica Blvd.)
Why: Why Not!?
Web Site:
How much: FREE event!
Event HotLine: (310) 712-3918

C.I.T.Y.'s ThanXgiving Youth Social had over 175 people in attendance and everyone had a great time, so be sure to check out their holiday events!

See you @ the Egg Nogg!!!

The Youth of C.I.T.Y. x1
HotLine: (310) 712-3918

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5. Night of Bad Before X-Mas Performance Arts 2007 (Los Angeles)

qteam presents:

The Night of Bad Before X-Mas Performance Arts 2007

Come join us for a night full of performances, visual art, spoken word, music, fun, culture, resistance, and celebration!

Featuring radical trans and queer youth of color performing and displaying their creativity, sharing their stories, dancing through the rhythms of their hearts and expressing the depths of their minds and souls through political, fun, and bad performances.

Exploring and celebrating our identities, struggles, and experience:

NOB is bad cuz it's rad

Date: Saturday 12/15 @ 6pm
Location: 12/15 @ Bienestar-East Los Angeles
5326 E. Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90022

$5-500 Donation
No one will be turned away for lack of funds

qteam hosts Night of Bad to provide a safe physical and political space for queer and trans youth of color to express themselves, their stories, their struggles, and their spirit, through a multi-medium cultural show. By providing this community space, we shift cultures among queer and trans youth of color communities, one bad performance at a time.

Your presence and support will help us continue organizing successful and fun events by and for trans and queer youth of color. If you cannot attend, or to simply show your continuous support feel free to donate to qteam by mailing us a check; make it out to Community Partners FBO qteam.

Contact us for more information:
P.O. Box 1448
Cudahy, CA 90201

qteam is a radical trans and queer youth of color multi-issue organizing collective for humyn rights and social justice.

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Central Valley
6. "Family" Cookbook Community Potluck Events (Stockton)

San Joaquin County MEUSA "Family" Cookbook Community Potluck Events
Marriage Equality USA, San Joaquin County

The San Joaquin County Chapter of Marriage Equality USA is gathering 100 recipes and family stories from local GLBTQIA residents and their family members.

"Our stories of family and love are the common denominator in our human experience. Whether biological or extended, we all can relate to being loved and part of a family. Everyone has memories of grandparents, parents, siblings, or close friends who taught us the true meaning of family values. These are the stories and family traditions we want to capture in a unique publication of "Family" recipes from GLBTQIA residents in San Joaquin County," stated Martina Virrey, Co-Chapter Leader for the San Joaquin Chapter or  Marriage Equality USA.

The San Joaquin Chapter of Marriage Equality USA conducts public education and awareness raising activities each year to challenge the assumptions about same-sex couples and families headed by same-sex parents. One of the newest chapter leaders for the San Joaquin Chapter of Marriage Equality USA, Cordelia Hunt said, "We are changing public opinion one conversation at a time. Most times, people have never had the exposure to gay or lesbian individuals because many are still closeted in conservative areas like Stockton. When MEUSA members have personal interaction with the community through outreach events, people realize that we are more similar than different."

A series of Community Potlucks to promote the MEUSA SJ "Family" Cookbook Project is scheduled during the next three months. All community members are welcome to attend one or more of the upcoming MEUSA San Joaquin Community Potlucks. Just bring a prepared dish, the written recipe and your appetite!

MEUSA San Joaquin"Family" Cookbook Potluck Schedule:
12/19/07 - San Joaquin PRIDE Center (Potluck at 231 Bedford, Stockton)
2/13/08 - Valley Ministries, MCC (Potluck at 4118 Coronado, Stockton,  209-464-5244)
 2/11/08 - PFLAG Stockton (at 4110 N. Pershing, Suite C-22, Stockton, 209-951-5150)
TBD - ACLU Stockton (Location TBD)

If you are part of an organization in San Joaquin County and would like to host a community potluck or attend one that is already scheduled, contact Martina at or (209)518-9102.

Submit all recipes and family stories (optional) to no later than March 19, 2008. Anonymous contributions are welcome.

To learn more about Marriage Equality USA, visit

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Northern California
7. Join the Queer Youth Training Collaborative! (San Francisco)

Are you Young, Queer and Loud? 
The LYRIC Internship Program is offering LGBTQQ youth 14-24 years old the opportunity to work in a SF non-profit, gain work experience, strengthen your community and get PAID to do it! 
Join QYTC - a Queer Training Collaborative designed for youth
Get job training (learn how to get and keep a job)!
Work 10-15 hours a week plus get an hourly wage!
Gain knowledge & experience!
Meet new friends!
Find a community or make a new one!
Have FUN!

Orientation is the 1ststep!
Thursday, December 13th, 2007
4-6pm - 1st Floor

Where: 127 Collingwood Street between 18th & 19th in the Castro
Contact:  RSVP to Mercedes at 415.703.6150 x 21 or
*Get a FREE Marc Jacob Lil Kim Shirt if you bring a friend or fill out an application.

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8. Snowed In - Youth Winter Dance (San Jose)

Snowed In - Billy DeFrank Youth Winter Dance
Friday, December 14
7:00pm - Midnight

Escape the winter chills and warm up with other DeFrank youth on the dance floor. There will be snacks and a cool winter mix.

Admission is $5 at the door.
1$ off admission for each can donation to Second Harvest

This event is exclusively for youth ages 13-20. Semi-formal attire is optional.

All coats, bags and purses must be checked at the door, and a school or California state ID is required to enter. No in and out privileges. This is a drug, alcohol and smoke free event.

Billy DeFrank Center
Grand Ballroom
938 The Alameda, San Jose

DeFrank Youth Events Committee
Questions? Contact
(408) 293-3040 x111

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9. Bay Area Filmmaker Workshop (San Francisco)

The Frameline Gay and Lesbian Film Festival in partnership with the Bay Area Video Coalition (BAVC) are offering a FREE filmmaking workshop for youth ages 15-20 years old who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning or as an ally.

Youth will partner with an elder from the LGBT community and together will learn how to write, shoot, and edit your won film in a 4-month workshop starting January 8th, 008. The workshop will take place at the BAVC space (2727 Mariposa St., cross street Bryant in San Francisco) on Monday and Wednesday evenings and some Saturdays.

For more information and/or an application visit or email Ericka at

The application deadline is December 21, 2007

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10. Apply for Revolution 101 (Bay Area)

Listen Up: Revolution 101 is back in full effect!!!!!

What is Rev 101?
Revolution 101 is SOULs ( political education series that focuses on revolutionary theory and practice. The series seeks to explore lessons and models developed by our revolutionary minded ancestors, and create space to apply those lessons and models to our work today. The series is broken down into 3 components: Structures of Oppression, Histories of Resistance, and Tools for Resistance. This time around we're running it as an 8-session course, beginning mid January 08 and running through mid March 08 (wrapping up in time for our National Youth Organizing Training Institute!). Exact dates will be determined by participants' schedules. It is a free course, and participants get a reader. We ask for a donation of $ 10-20 for the printing of the reader.

How Can I Be Down Wit the Get Down?
You can simply apply online at Applications are due by DECEMBER 21, 2007! We will accept 15 folks, so get your app in early cause spots fill up quick like church seats on Sunday morning! YOU MUST BE COMMITTED TO THIS CLASS, so don't take up space that you can't fill. We do offer childcare and translation, and our space is BART and wheelchair accessible.

Who Is Cool Enough for School?
Anyone and everyone! We accept apps from all party people, but SOUL prioritizes the participation of people of color, working class people, differently abled people, queer and trans folks, and women! So this is the deal, please either apply if you've never taken the course, or send to someone else to apply. If there is someone you have in mind that is perfect for this program, send me (Liz at their contact and I'll make sure to do a follow up w/ them organizer style!

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11. Design a T-shirt & Win an iphone! (Bay Area)

We're looking for hot new t-shirt designs! Whether you're a diva fashionista, a graphic designer, or just like to doodle, we want to see what you've got!

Create a design with one of the following themes:
* Prevention
* Safe is Sexy
* Planned Parenthood is for Everyone

Deadline for t-shirt design submission is December 31, 2007.

Encourage your friends and family to rate your design!
* Accepted designs wil be posted on and rating will begin January 3, 2008.

4. WIN IT!
* The highest rated designer will win an iPhone and have the opportunity to get his/her design produced on a Planned Parenthood Golden Gate t-shirt!
* Winners will be announced January 21, 2008.

For contest details and rules, go to

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12. Members Needed for Human Rights Commission Advisory Committees (San Francisco)



The Human Rights Commission's Advisory Committees are vitally important components of the Human Rights Commission where community members help the Commission study and address human rights issues facing San Franciscans.

Representatives from business, labor, community-based organizations and others working on issues of employment discrimination and diversity that impact San Franciscans

Community members coming together to address human rights issues in areas such as immigration, hate crimes, education and housing

Addressing the wide range of human rights concerns of San Francisco's LGBT and HIV communities

(The Commission's LOCAL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE ADVISORY COMMITTEE will seek new members in the Spring.)

Application deadline:
Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 5:00 p.m.

Learn more about HRC Committees and download a membership application at: or contact the Commission for an application.

San Francisco Human Rights Commission
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 800
San Francisco, CA 94102-6033
Phone: 415-252-2500
TDD: 415-252-2550

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13. Queer Youth Models Needed for LGBTQ Foster Care Campaign

Earn $100 and make a difference!

We are looking for males, ages 15-18 (or look under 18)

Applicants must:
- Be comfortable with being portryaed as an LGBTQ foster kid on various forms of media in the Bay Area (billboards, transit ads, newspaper ads, etc.)
- Have a legal guardian attend the photo shoot and sign a release form (if under 18).

People of color are encouraged to apply. Please send your digital photo(s) (less than 500k) to or call 415-979-9775 (ask for Fernando) for more information.

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14. Help Save Birth Control Now - Not Next Year!

Call Majority Leader Reid and Speaker Pelosi to help save birth control now - not next year!

136 representatives and 28 senators have gone on record saying that birth control should be made affordable for the low-income women and students affected by the recent price hike. So far, so good, right?

But the thing is -- birth control isn't very helpful when you take it 11 months late. Women need access to birth control NOW. You know it, we know it -- but the congressional leadership, Majority Leader Reid and Speaker Pelosi, needs one more push from you to make sure this gets done before Congress closes up shop for the holidays.

Right now, leaders in Congress are pushing to adjourn this session as soon as possible. If Congress goes home without fixing this mistake, millions of women will have to wait until 2008 for affordable birth control -- we must tell Congress that's unacceptable.

Here's how you can make sure Majority Leader Reid and Speaker Pelosi use their leadership to ensure this problem is fixed before the end of the year.

1. Call Majority Leader Reid and Speaker Pelosi by dialing 800-965-4701 and asking for their offices.
2. Identify yourself as a pro-family planning voter.
3. Ask to leave messages for Majority Leader Reid and Speaker Pelosi.

Say something like this:
"I want to thank Majority Leader Reid / Speaker Pelosi for his/her support for family planning. It's crucial that Congress address the birth control pricing crisis and restore affordable birth control before adjourning. I urge the Majority Leader / Speaker to ensure that the problem is fixed in the Medicare bill -- and that affordable birth control is restored before Congress goes home for the holidays."

Please call Senator Majority Leader Reid and Speaker Pelosi TODAY at 800-965-4701.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to help us make birth control available to ALL women who need it. Your actions aren't just sending a message to Congress -- they're sending a powerful message of support to every woman who is struggling to cover the cost of her birth control.

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15. Fresh Focus: A Sex-Ed Digital Video Contest

Advocates for Youth, Internet Sexuality Information Services Inc. (ISIS), National Sexuality Resource Center (NSRC), RH Reality Check, and the Sexuality Education and Information Council of the United States (SIECUS) are running a digital video contest for people ages 15-30. The deadline to enter is December 31, 2007, and the winning entry receives $3,500!

Using digital video technology, tell us what your sex education experience was like or tell us how you would redesign sex education for the future!

For more information, please visit:

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16. Kicked Out! Seeks Submissions

Deadline: March 1, 2008

Kicked Out is a new anthology to be published by Homofactus Press, which uniquely seeks to tell the tales of former queer youth and current queer youth who were forced to leave home because of their sexuality and/or gender identity. This anthology will tell our collective stories of survival, weaving together descriptions of abuse, and homelessness with poignant accounts of the ways in which queer community centers offered sanctuary, and the power and importance of creating our own chosen families in the face of losing everything we have ever known.

Kicked Out offers advice and wisdom to the queer youth of today from those who have been in their shoes. Additionally, it provides the opportunity for readers to get a glimpse into the world of those queer youth who as a result of circumstance have to leave home, while simultaneously shattering the stereotypes of who queer youth are, and what they have the potential to

Kicked Out is a collection of stories of those of us who have survived the experiences of having to leave home as minors as a result of our gender and/or sexual identities; and it tells the tales of our queer survival. These are the stories of overcoming obstacles, not simply surviving but thriving in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity. Kicked Out will explore the diversity of our experiences across lines race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, and geographic region celebrating our differences, and showcases the ways in which they have contributed to our unique experiences.

Possible topics include, but are not limited, to:

- How being forced to leave home as a minor continues to impact your adult life.
- What happened to you when you left home and how you survived.
- Words of wisdom for today's homeless queer youth-what you wished someone had told you. Survival through the creation of "chosen family." Challenges of dealing with CPS or other agencies. Success through adversity- overcoming a troubled past.

Submissions should be between 1,500 and 2,500 words in length and previously unpublished. Submit your piece via e-mail in .doc format to

Multiple submissions per contributor are welcome. Please include a short biography and contact information with your submission. Submissions must be received no later than March 1, 2008; contributors are encouraged to submit early. Rights revert to the authors upon publication. Contributors whose work appears in the anthology will receive TBA free copy(ies) as well as ongoing royalties. Visit us online at http;//

Sassafras Lowrey is a high femme writer, artist, and activist. Ze was forced to leave home as a teenager after suffering physical violence after coming out as queer. Sassafras found hir way to queer youth organizations and movements, which quite literally saved hir life. As an adult ze has never forgotten the impact those groups had on hir life and has volunteered regularly with the queer youth of today. Sassafras lives with hir partner, two cats and a dog in New York City. Hir first book GSA to Marriage: Stories of a Life Lived Queerly is scheduled for release Summer 2008.

Jay is the founder and publisher of Homofactus Press. Read more at his personal blog.

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17. NEWS: State Sued Over Student Law

State sued over student law

December 6, 2007
Bay Area Reporter
by Heather Cassell

Two right-wing organizations last week filed a lawsuit in federal court against the Student Civil Rights Act that was signed into law in October by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The move came just weeks after another group announced plans to place a referendum on the ballot to overturn the law.

State Senator Sheila Kuehl (D-Santa Monica) authored the bill, known as SB777, which updates the state's education code to reflect current legally recognized protected classes, including sexual orientation and gender identity, in the Student Safety and Violence Prevention Act of 2000 (AB537).

"This bill will have disastrous effects in the school system," said Jennifer L. Monk, counsel for Advocates for Faith and Freedom, one of the two religious legal advocacy organizations that filed the lawsuit November 27 in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California. "It's going to be difficult to prevent a 250-pound linebacker from deciding he wants to share the locker room with the cheerleaders if SB777 is allowed to stand."

Attorneys Monk and Robert H. Tyler of Advocates for Faith and Freedom based in San Diego and Timothy D. Chandler of the Alliance Defense Fund's Sacramento office claim that SB777 redefines gender, making it difficult for school administrators and faculty to enforce the law and protect student's privacy.

"The impact that it will have in public schools is the redefinition of gender should be declared unconstitutional and void for vagueness," said Monk. "No school administrator would ever know whether they are violating the law when they divide the boys from the girls because each individual student will have the ability to self-define their gender regardless of their physical anatomy."

Kuehl and LGBT legal advocacy organizations disagree.

"They are about nine years too late, aren't they?" said Kuehl about the suit. "They brought a suit against AB537 and they lost. There's absolutely nothing new here. Their move is extremely cynical and misleading. This is really a specious move on their part."

The religious organizations charge SB777 violates the First and 14th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution and therefore chose to file the lawsuit in federal court rather than state court. The lawsuit was filed against Schwarzenegger, state Attorney General Jerry Brown, and state Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell, along with 20 unnamed co-defendants.

Schwarzenegger's office wouldn't comment on the pending litigation.

"Governor Schwarzenegger signed the bill because it takes anti-discrimination language in other areas, such as housing and employment, and applies it to the education code; it's a technical bill in nature," said Sabrina Lockhart, Schwarzenegger's deputy press secretary.

To read the full story, visit:

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December 5, 2007

In this issue of GSA Network News, you'll find:

GSA Network Highlight
Sharing Our Stories: The Fight for LGBTQ-Inclusive Curriculum
Go directly to GSA Network highlight

GSA Network Announcements
1. Are You Registered for YES?
2. eQuality Scholarships - Apply Today!
3. Get GSA Network T-shirts, Buttons & More!
4. Re-register Your GSA Today - Get New Resources & Keep Informed!
Go directly to GSA Network announcements

Other Announcements
Southern California

5. Night of Bad Before X-Mas Performance Arts 2007 (Los Angeles)
6. City at Peace (Los Angeles)
7. Holiday Potluck (West Hollywood)
8. Holiday Social for LGBTQ Youth (West Hollywood)
9. Selma Park Family Posada 2007 (Los Angeles)
Go directly to Southern California listings

Central Valley
10. Pacific's first ever LGBTQIA Conference! (Stockton)
Go directly to Central Valley listings

Northern California
11. Join the Queer Youth Training Collaborative! (San Francisco)
12. Bay Area Filmmaker Workshop (San Francisco)
13. Apply for Revolution 101 (Bay Area)
14. Call for Interviews (Nor Cal)
Go directly to Northern California listings


15. GLBT Xmas Video Starring You!
Go directly to Statewide listings

16. Help Future Generations of LGBTIQQ Youth - Take A Survey
17. THE INSTITUTE - Five-day Intensive Youth Organizing Training
Go directly to National listings

18. NEWS: Transgender Student Elected King
Go directly to News listings

+++++++++++++++ GSA NETWORK HIGHLIGHT+++++++++++++++

Sharing Our Stories: The Fight for LGBTQ-Inclusive Curriculum

Sharing Our Stories: Fight for LGBTQ-inclusive Curriculum in Your School with GSA Network’s New Campaign Guide!

In October, your GSA should have received a copy of our new, campaign guide titled Sharing Our Stories: Fighting For LGBTQ-Inclusive Curriculum In Your School. This campaign guide was developed after several GSAs told us they wanted more advice and tools to use when tackling the issue of curriculum at their school.

Here’s a sneak peak at what this new campaign guide has to offer:

Let’s Set the Record Straight: History Isn’t
The contributions of LGBTQ individuals to the United States and our history are diverse, numerous, and, unfortunately mostly left unexplored by textbooks and classroom lessons. For example, when we learn about the civil rights movements of the 20th century, do we also hear about Stonewall and that it was started by people like Sylvia Rivera, a Latina transwoman who went on to devote much of her life fighting for the rights of transgender, queer, and homeless people?

LGBTQ-Inclusive Curriculum Benefits Every Student
• History educates us about what came before us and helps us understand what is happening now in our world. LGBTQ-inclusive history is more complete and accurate, giving us a better understanding of our past and present.
• We recognize ourselves when we read about what the revolutionaries, the poets, the inventors, and the leaders of the past fought for, won, lost, and accomplished. Knowing and understanding their struggles helps us comprehend our own, and helps us feel a little less invisible no matter where we live.
• Teaching LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum helps to create schools where students feel safer and more supported. The California Safe Schools Coalition’s analysis of results from the Preventing School Harassment Survey revealed that in schools where the majority of reporting students learned about LGBTQ issues in the curriculum, “Students reported fewer mean rumors or lies spread about them, fewer reports of being made fun of because of their looks or they the way they talk, and less LGBT bullying.”

Why is LGBTQ-Inclusive Curriculum Important & Necessary?

In many schools, learning about LGBTQ issues takes the form of very necessary tolerance education where students are educated about the importance of not discriminating against each other. Tolerance education is an important first step, but we need to push further. Infuse LGBTQ curriculum into history, social science, and literature classes, and students can start learning that LGBTQ individuals have made valuable contributions to our history. We can break down ignorance even more and create respect for everyone.

Tactics & Events: Suggestions For Your GSA’s Curriculum Campaign
Learn how to organize a campaign at your school! Now, it’s time to take action! This guide explains the step-by-step process your GSA can use to plan curriculum campaign including tactics, days of actions, and other suggestions for your GSA’s campaign.

1. Evaluate your education! Pay attention in your classes. Are your teachers teaching about the historical achievements of LGBTQ individuals? Are these issues included in your textbooks? Are things being left unspoken or made invisible? Ask questions and speak up if you think omissions are being made. Write a paper or design a project about LGBTQ history for an assignment or suggest topics for classroom discussions.

2. Take over class! Get your teacher’s permission to take over class and lead a discussion about LGBTQ history or present a lesson of your own.

3. Celebrate LGBTQ History Month! October is LGBTQ History Month, and this is a great opportunity for your GSA to educate your entire school. Put up posters about key figures LGBTQ historical figures (you can start by taking a look at the short list of people that accompanies the full campaign guide). Collect short pieces about LGBTQ history and poems from queer poets like Audre Lorde or Walt Whitman and read them over the intercom during homeroom and during lunch. Screen historical documentaries during your GSA meetings and invite all students to attend. Plan a school-wide assembly and invite a speaker to come in and talk about LGBTQ history.

4. Improve textbooks! Talk to textbook companies about the need for inclusive curriculum. Be clear that it makes sense for them to start printing textbooks that include everyone’s history.

5. Change the rules! Find out who makes the decision in your school district about curriculum. Advocate for the adoption of curricula that is specifically inclusive of LGBTQ people; encourage your school or district curriculum council to adopt inclusive curriculum for all core 10th grade classes like history and social science.

Note: LGBT Issues in the Curriculum Promotes School Safety. CA Safe School Coalition Research Brief No. 4. Written Rusell, S.T., Kostroski, O., McGuire, J.K., Laub, C., & Manke, E. (2006). San Francisco, CA: CA Safe Schools Coalition. (

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+++++++++++++ GSA NETWORK ANNOUNCEMENTS +++++++++++++

1. Are You Registered for YES?

GSA Network Presents the 2007 Youth Empowerment Summit!
Saturday, December 8 - San Francisco, CA

Online Registration Deadline is Thursday, Dec. 6th @ 6pm! Register on-line now at! We will also be registering folks onsite if you miss the deadline.

Who: LGBTQQI youth activists and their allies
Where: Everett Middle School, 450 Church Street, San Francisco,CA
When: Saturday, December 8, 2007 - 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Cost: FREE, including breakfast and lunch!
What else: The after-YES dance will take place from 5:00-8:00pm at the Everett cafeteria!!

9:00-9:30 Registration & Breakfast
9:30-10:35 Opening
10:45-12:00 Workshop Session 1
12:10-12:45 Discussion Space
12:45-1:45 Lunch & Resource Fair
1:45-3:00 Workshop Session 2
3:10-4:25 Workshop Session 3
4:30-5:00 Closing - Auditorium
5:00-8:00 DANCE and DRAG SHOW

NOTE: There will be snacks at the Dance. Dinner is not provided.

GSA Network deeply appreciates Macy's West and Genentech for their sponsorship of YES 2007!

YES is a FREE conference for LGBTQQI youth activists and their allies who are dedicated to defeating homophobia and transphobia, and creating safe and supporting schools for everyone. The target audience is high school and middle school students, teachers, GSA advisors and the community. The YES conference is a chance for LGBTQQI and straight ally youth to network and enjoy free workshops on activism and topics related to queer life.

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2. eQuality Scholarships - Apply Today!

The eQuality Scholarship Collaborative awards scholarships to graduating high-school seniors in northern and central California for their service to the LGBT community. In 2008, 10 or more $5000 scholarships will be awarded to assist with post-secondary educational expenses - tuition, books, and supplies.

Applications are available from high school guidance counselors throughout Northern and Central California.

Applicants must:
- be graduating from a high school in northern or central California;
- have applied to an accredited post-secondary institution - college, university, or trade school.

Completed applications, including transcripts and a letter of recommendation, must be postmarked no later than February 16, 2008.

The Collaborative is the joint effort of a group of individuals and organizations based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Organizational members include PG&E PrideNetwork, KP Pride, Genentech Out & Equal, Ally Action, Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, and GSA Network.

For more information or to download an application, visit the Collaborative's web site at

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3. Get GSA Network T-shirts, Buttons & More!

Another GSA Network T-shirt hot off the press... Cafepress that is. Do you just love our GSA Power postcard? Well, now it's a shirt. Buy it today and help support GSA Network!

Order one of our three New T-shirts and help support GSA Network:
* GSA Power
* A is for Ally
* Activist
* Male, Female, Other / Neither / All of the above

Also in stock:
* I heart GSA
* and our classic GSA Organizing Shirt

These new designs can ONLY be purchased at our online store. For every item you buy GSA Network gets a small donation ($3-5) to keep doing all the good work we do!!!

So, help support GSAs and look cool doing it. 

To Buy Today:

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4. Re-register Your GSA Today - Get New Resources & Keep Informed!

Before you plan any events for your GSA, remember to register or re-register your group with the GSA Network. Do it NOW to make sure you receive our student resource sheets, campaign resources, and notifications of future GSA Network or LGBT-related events. (Mailings will go out only to California GSAs in middle and high schools.)

Register online at

If you have any questions or concerns contact:

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++++++++++++++++ OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS ++++++++++++++++
GSA Network News is a publication of Gay-Straight Alliance Network. Events, resources, and news items listed under "Other Announcements" are not sponsored or written by GSA Network, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of GSA Network.

Southern California
5. Night of Bad Before X-Mas Performance Arts 2007 (Los Angeles)

qteam presents:

The Night of Bad Before X-Mas Performance Arts 2007

Come join us for a night full of performances, visual art, spoken word, music, fun, culture, resistance, and celebration!

Featuring radical trans and queer youth of color performing and displaying their creativity, sharing their stories, dancing through the rhythms of their hearts and expressing the depths of their minds and souls through political, fun, and bad performances.

Exploring and celebrating our identities, struggles, and experience:

NOB is bad cuz it's rad

Dates: Friday 12/07 @ 7pm and Saturday 12/15 @ 6pm
Locations: * 12/07 @ IDEPSCA Day Labor Center
1813 S. Main St., Los Angeles, CA 90015
* 12/15 @ Bienestar-East Los Angeles
5326 E. Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90022

$5-500 Donation
No one will be turned away for lack of funds

qteam hosts Night of Bad to provide a safe physical and political space for queer and trans youth of color to express themselves, their stories, their struggles, and their spirit, through a multi-medium cultural show. By providing this community space, we shift cultures among queer and trans youth of color communities, one bad performance at a time.

Your presence and support will help us continue organizing successful and fun events by and for trans and queer youth of color. If you cannot attend, or to simply show your continuous support feel free to donate to qteam by mailing us a check; make it out to Community Partners FBO qteam.

Contact us for more information:
P.O. Box 1448
Cudahy, CA 90201

qteam is a radical trans and queer youth of color multi-issue organizing collective for humyn rights and social justice.

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6. City at Peace (Los Angeles)

Empowering youth through the performing arts


Perform with a purpose! Have a voice!
Work with professionals in the arts
Learn acting, singing and dancing skills
Work on projects that create positive change
in your community !

If you're 13 to 19 and interested in working with 50 teenagers from all over Los Angeles to build a "CITY AT PEACE"
If you'd like to write and perform an original musical based on your life, learn how to create change in your life and your community
And help to lead projects that work to improve your community, then


No prior performing experience is necessary! Just be you!
Participants are NOT chosen based on performance skills or talent
You do not need to prepare anything. Just come have fun. That's it!
Please wear clothes you can move in!

When: Saturday December 8th, 2007
10am SHARP until 12:30pm
Where: Center for Peace with Justice, 2210 Lincoln Blvd. Venice, CA 90291
Contact: Stephanie 310.313.6094 or

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7. Holiday Potluck (West Hollywood)

WeHo ALT and LifeWorks proudly present a
Holiday Potluck for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, and queer young people!

When: Dec. 12th, 7:00 - 11:00 PM
Where: At WeHo Alt
8235 Santa Monica #306
West Hollywood, 90046

Free food, cheesy games, cool new people!
Make a gingerbread hous & watch the Grinch Who Stole Christmas!
Drug & alcohol free.

Need more info?

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8. Holiday Social for LGBTQ Youth (West Hollywood)

Join the C.I.T.Y. x1 Youth Group as they present their 4th annual Egg Nogg Youth Social on Dec. 15th!

This free event will have free junk food, music, an art show, raffles, community resources, special surprises, and more! The social is for LGTBQ youth (14-24) and their allies and will be an alcohol-tobacco-free event. If you want to perform, participate in the art show, or volunteer, call (310) 712-3918.

When: Saturday, December 15th, 2007
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Where: Plummer Park in West Hollywood (7377 Santa Monica Blvd.)
Why: Why Not!?
Web Site:
How much: FREE event!
Event HotLine: (310) 712-3918

C.I.T.Y.'s ThanXgiving Youth Social had over 175 people in attendance and everyone had a great time, so be sure to check out their holiday events!

See you @ the Egg Nogg!!!

The Youth of C.I.T.Y. x1
HotLine: (310) 712-3918

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9. Selma Park Family Posada 2007 (Los Angeles)

Support one of our LifeWorks Mentees by checking out this great event!

The Hollywood Leaders of District 13
Are Proud to Present the 6th Annual

Selma Park Family Posada 2007

December 20, 2007
5:00 - 9:00 pm

Free Food! Tamales, Pan Dulce, Champurrado, and other delights!

Fun for the Whole Family
Music from traditional Posada melodies and other holiday songs
Candlelit vigil and walk around Hollywood Blvd
Grand Pinata Finale for all ages!
An opportunity for the community to Enjoy the Holiday Season together with people from all walks of life!

Sponsored and supported by:
LA City Council President Eric Garcetti, Hollywood BID, SALEF, KT House, Latino Student Union of LACC, LifeWorks, Marco's Hair Salon, and Hollywood Leaders of District 13.

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Central Valley
10. Pacific's first ever LGBTQIA Conference! (Stockton)

Pacific's first ever LGBTQIA (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Intersex Ally) conference will be held on Saturday, February 9, 2008.

Please distribute the conference website link to any and all interested parties:

Many thanks to Chris Goff for hosting the site and to Corrie Martin for making easy online registration possible -yay!

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Northern California
11. Join the Queer Youth Training Collaborative! (San Francisco)

Are you Young, Queer and Loud? 
The LYRIC Internship Program is offering LGBTQQ youth 14-24 years old the opportunity to work in a SF non-profit, gain work experience, strengthen your community and get PAID to do it! 
Join QYTC - a Queer Training Collaborative designed for youth
Get job training (learn how to get and keep a job)!
Work 10-15 hours a week plus get an hourly wage!
Gain knowledge & experience!
Meet new friends!
Find a community or make a new one!
Have FUN!

Orientation is the 1ststep!
Thursday, December 13th, 2007
4-6pm - 1st Floor

Where: 127 Collingwood Street between 18th & 19th in the Castro
Contact:  RSVP to Mercedes at 415.703.6150 x 21 or
*Get a FREE Marc Jacob Lil Kim Shirt if you bring a friend or fill out an application.

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12. Bay Area Filmmaker Workshop (San Francisco)

The Frameline Gay and Lesbian Film Festival in partnership with the Bay Area Video Coalition (BAVC) are offering a FREE filmmaking workshop for youth ages 15-20 years old who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning or as an ally.

Youth will partner with an elder from the LGBT community and together will learn how to write, shoot, and edit your won film in a 4-month workshop starting January 8th, 008. The workshop will take place at the BAVC space (2727 Mariposa St., cross street Bryant in San Francisco) on Monday and Wednesday evenings and some Saturdays.

For more information and/or an application visit or email Ericka at

The application deadline is December 21, 2007

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13. Apply for Revolution 101 (Bay Area)

Listen Up: Revolution 101 is back in full effect!!!!!

What is Rev 101?
Revolution 101 is SOULs ( political education series that focuses on revolutionary theory and practice. The series seeks to explore lessons and models developed by our revolutionary minded ancestors, and create space to apply those lessons and models to our work today. The series is broken down into 3 components: Structures of Oppression, Histories of Resistance, and Tools for Resistance. This time around we're running it as an 8-session course, beginning mid January 08 and running through mid March 08 (wrapping up in time for our National Youth Organizing Training Institute!). Exact dates will be determined by participants' schedules. It is a free course, and participants get a reader. We ask for a donation of $ 10-20 for the printing of the reader.

How Can I Be Down Wit the Get Down?
You can simply apply online at Applications are due by DECEMBER 21, 2007! We will accept 15 folks, so get your app in early cause spots fill up quick like church seats on Sunday morning! YOU MUST BE COMMITTED TO THIS CLASS, so don't take up space that you can't fill. We do offer childcare and translation, and our space is BART and wheelchair accessible.

Who Is Cool Enough for School?
Anyone and everyone! We accept apps from all party people, but SOUL prioritizes the participation of people of color, working class people, differently abled people, queer and trans folks, and women! So this is the deal, please either apply if you've never taken the course, or send to someone else to apply. If there is someone you have in mind that is perfect for this program, send me (Liz at their contact and I'll make sure to do a follow up w/ them organizer style!

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14. Call for Interviews (Nor Cal)

GroundSpark, formerly Women’s Educational Media, is looking for teenagers to interview for their current documentary Straightlaced, which features teenagers talking about the homophobia and gender role expectations that are so prominent in their lives.

The producers are looking for teens who have experienced physical violence because they are LGBT, perceived to be LGBT, or do not conform to gender roles and would like to share those experiences with other teens with the hope of reducing violence.

Straightlaced will be used in educational settings to open up dialogue among teens about the ways that homophobia affects all students, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

Adults working with teens, or teens themselves, should contact Producer Sue Chen at 1800-405-3322 or More information about Straightlaced is available at

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15. GLBT Xmas Video Starring You!

Looking for GLBT students (12) who would like to spend a few hours singing along (lip-syncing chorus), dancing and generally having fun making a news-cast style video with Andy Fraser (S.Cal.) for the song "Take me home for Xmas" - About a gay person, saying to another gay person, "Take me home for Xmas, let's bring this out of the closet and into the family". The finished video would be a free download from ANY site worldwide, youtube, CNN iReports, current TV, MSNBC '1st. person' etc, - and be a freebee in the spirit of the season. Instruments will be supplied to "ham it up" with and keep as gifts. Only requirement is to be yourself and do what comes naturally. Links below for song, and FXF video company previous work. Those interested send 1 photo to - Ed Cool.

Xmas won't be rescheduled for us, so gotta be quick.

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16. Help Future Generations of LGBTIQQ Youth - Take A Survey

Are you between the ages of 13 and 21?

Do you sometimes question your sexual orientation, your gender identity?

Do you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender / transsexual, intersex / hermaphrodite, or queer / questioning?

Do you use... LGBTIQQ-oriented forums . chatrooms . mailing lists . blog rings . networking / dating sites . or other LGBTIQQ-oriented online communities for youth, including Facebook and MySpace?

Then you could help future generations of LGBTIQQ youth across the United States!

Help to provide information about the needs of LGBTIQQ youth of the technological generation by taking the following quick, anonymous and secure survey:

Click here, and forward to all your LGBTIQQ-identified friends !

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17. THE INSTITUTE - Five-day Intensive Youth Organizing Training

THE INSTITUTE is a five-day intensive training on youth organizing, designed to meet the needs of leading youth organizers from around the country. This youth organizing "boot camp" will give 40 young organizers a solid and systematic orientation to the fundamentals of youth organizing including: base-building, leadership development, campaign development, and organizational development.

THE INSTITUTE has been designed to play a role similar to the training intensives run by national organizing networks for their new staff organizers, but focusing on youth organizations. Our training model reflects youth organizing's specific and inspiring organizing methodology, including its democratic practices, its emphasis on political education, its integration of culture and its prioritization of leadership development.

THE INSTITUTE is led by SOUL (the School Of Unity & Liberation) in partnership with youth organizing groups and intermediaries from around the country. SOUL is a movement-building center in Oakland that has been running political education and organizing trainings for young people from oppressed communities since 1996.

THE INSTITUTE will be from March 22nd-March 28, 2007 in Detroit Michigan. For more information contact Akua Jackson @ (510) 451-5466 x. 312 or

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18. NEWS: Transgender Student Elected King

Transgender student elected king

November 30, 2007
Whittier Daily News
By Caroline An

For Andrew Gomez, the month of November was one of firsts.

First, he broke the news to his mother that he was transitioning from a female to a male. Then the 24-year-old transgender student was elected Homecoming King at Pasadena City College.

Neither event came easily, but the second milestone nearly did not happen. PCC's homecoming committee initially ruled Gomez ineligible because of his pierced ear.

But after students complained, lodging charges of discrimination, the committee relented and reversed its decision. Gomez said his election earlier this month as Homecoming King surprised him, even though he initially ran hoping to become a source of inspiration for other gay, lesbian and transgender students.

"I wanted them to feel like they could do something like this, instead of having them feel, `I am not straight so I can't do this,"' Gomez said.

As child, Gomez was a tomboy, he said, always piling his long hair into a baseball cap.

To read the full story, visit:

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