GSA Network News Email Archive -  2004
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July 7

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  July 7, 2004

GSA Network Highlight
High Contrast: Awareness Through Art

GSA Network Announcements
1. Take GSA Network's Year End Evaluation
2. Is your school safe for LGBT youth? Take this survey!
3. Drop-In at the Fresno GSA Network office
4. Love Summer Camp? Then why not try out GSA Activist Camp!

Other Announcements
5. An Oasis in Oakland for LGBT Youth (Oakland)
6. 2 Weeks Left to Reserve Your Spot at South Bay LGBT Youth Prom!!! (San Jose)
7. National Youth Participation Study
8. Stand Up for HIV/AIDS Education!
9. LYRIC and API Family Pride are currently seeking API queer adults

+++++++++++++++ GSA NETWORK HIGHLIGHT+++++++++++++++

High Contrast: Awareness Through Art

The 2003-2004 tour of GSA Network's High Contrast Photo Exhibit has come to a close. 16 schools in the Bay Area hosted the exhibit, reaching over 5,000 students and teachers who viewed the exhibit.
The High Contrast exhibit made a huge impact in schools. The GSA advisor at the Emiliano Zapata Street Academy said that this exhibit "helped to create more of a safe space." The GSA advisor at Oceana High School commented that, "My advisory of 9th graders was very, very quiet when looking at it - almost reverent - but some were visibly uncomfortable... I think it was powerful and provocative and sparked some good conversations." Additionally, the GSA advisor at Watsonville High School shared, "Many people said, 'I didn't know there were that many bad words out there!' Students responded well to the photos as art, and really liked reading the teen poetry and ideas."

In addition to fostering an environment of youth creativity, the artwork also provoked consciousness raising and discussions addressing different forms of oppression that students face. GSA student leaders reflected on how the exhibit sparked dialogue about oppression and discrimination:
"People were talking about how to end the hate. People drew parallels from hate crimes to biases against race, gender identity, and sexual orientation." --student, Skyline High School
"Some classes used the exhibit to talk about discrimination and how each student has been affected by discrimination." --student, Pioneer High School

The High Contrast Exhibit was also featured with the Laramie Project at the Playhouse Merced. Alex Reckowski brought the exhibit to Merced and commented that, "The honesty of the work was so powerful."

People who are interested in bringing High Contrast to their school or organization for the 2004-2005 school year should contact, Sean Saifa Wall at 415.552.4229 or email

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+++++++++++++ GSA NETWORK ANNOUNCEMENTS +++++++++++++

1. Take GSA Network's Year End Evaluation

Please take a few minutes to fill out GSA Network's Year End Evaluation. Your comments are VERY important to us!
Access the evaluation online:

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2. Is your school safe for LGBT youth? Take this survey!

Take a survey to tell what it's like at your school!

You can take the survey online, or download a printable version to print out for your GSA or LGBT youth group by going to The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete.

You can make a difference in only 10 minutes by improving our understanding of safety and discrimination in our schools. If you took the survey last year, take it again this year and help us see if schools are changing!

What is this all about?
GSA Network and the California Safe Schools Coalition are surveying high school and middle school students across California, with a focus on LGBT students, to learn more about safety, discrimination, and harassment in schools. Last year's survey results were published in a report called Safe Place to Learn, which you can view at

The 2004 Preventing School Harassment Survey will be a vital tool for local and statewide efforts to make schools safer for LGBT students. Last year's survey showed that harassment and discrimination are pervasive, but schools can take specific steps to make a difference. Students whose schools have a clear anti-harassment policy, students whose teachers intervene when they hear slurs, and students whose schools have GSAs were less likely to be harassed, more likely to feel safe in school, and more connected to their community and supportive adults.
We need your help! For the 2004 survey to be successful, we need hundreds of participants from schools all over California. We've sent copies of the survey to every GSA and LGBT youth group in California. Please administer the survey at the next meeting of your GSA or youth group.

Questions? Email

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3. Drop-In to the Fresno GSA Network office

Drop-In to the Fresno GSA Network office this Thursday from 3-5pm for good company and conversation or if you just want to check out the new magazines.

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4. Love Summer Camp? Then why not try out GSA Activist Camp!

The GSA Activist Camp is a youth-planned and youth-led 3-day event that features intensive community building, skill-building, political education, and leadership training for GSA members. All youth who will be involved in a high school or middle school GSA next year are encouraged to apply.

Apply Online!
Northern Cal Activist Camp in Oakland
Wednesday, August 11 - Friday, Wednesday 13

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++++++++++++++++ OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS ++++++++++++++++
GSA Network News is a publication of Gay-Straight Alliance Network. Events, resources, and news items listed under "Other Announcements" are not sponsored or written by GSA Network, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of GSA Network.

5. An Oasis in Oakland for LGBT Youth (Oakland)

Do you know that 20% of LGBT youth drop out of school? Obviously, this is not because of a lack of intelligence. It is due to the fact that many schools are not safe places and that LGBT youth do not see our community in the curriculum. Now there is an alternative oasis in Oakland for 14-18 year old youth who have dropped out of school but who wish to return for a challenging, supportive and relevant high school education. Oasis High School will open with our first class of 80 students this Fall.

Applications are now being accepted and spaces are filling fast. Applications and more information are available at

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6. 2 Weeks Left to Reserve Your Spot at South Bay LGBT Youth Prom!!! (San Jose)


Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center's shOUT Youth Group Presents
the After Party : The First Annual South Bay LGBT Youth Prom
Friday, July 16th, 2004
Ages: 13-20
Entrance: $15.00
Dinner from 6:00pm-7:00pm Dinner Included for the first 80 RSVPs!!!
Dance from 7:00pm to Midnight
Where: Grand Ballroom, Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center @ 938 The
Alameda, San Jose, CA 95126

DJ David BuHau with Pop, Rock, Techno, House, 80's, R&B, and much more!

Semi-Formal Dress is encouraged but not required. Remember, creativity is welcome while lewdness and lack of attire are not.
This is Drug and Alcohol free event.
Prom pictures available for $5.00 (2-5x7 8-wallets)
You've been a star all year... Come OUT and celebrate!

For reservations or additional information please contact Erika
Escobedo and Rick Oculto at or call 408-293-3040x111.

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7. National Youth Participation Study

You are invited to take part in a study of youth participation in structured activities during the out-of-school hours. The study focuses on youth participation in organized activities such as band, debate team, school sports, community sports, community choral society, or 4-H club. It asks youth about why they get involved, do not get involved, or decide to no longer participate in out-of-school programs. The study is being conduct by researchers at Penn State University and the University of Arizona.

The on-line survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. We appreciate your help with this study.

For more information about the study and to participate in the study you can go to

If you have questions, please contact:
1. Daniel Perkins, Penn State University, Email:, telephone (814) 865-6988,
2. Lynne M. Borden, University of Arizona, Email:, telephone: 520-621-1063, or
3. Stephen Russell, University of Arizona, Email:, telephone: 520-621-1231.

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8. Stand Up for HIV/AIDS Education!

The CDC is accepting public comment at through August 16 re: the new plan to reduce/eliminate funding of programs on HIV education that include condom use.

Please email and let them know that abstinence only programs actually increase the risk of contracting AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

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9. LYRIC and API Family Pride are currently seeking API queer adults

LYRIC and API Family Pride are currently seeking API queer adults to assist in advising, training and guiding a team of 6-8 queer API youth Peer Leaders in a groundbreaking pilot project aimed at bringing queer API youth and their families together.

The following is a list of some of the strengths we would like to have in this team:
Previous experience working in a youth empowerment/youth-based/youth-led setting
Knowledge of cultural, ethnic, sexual and gender identities and oppression
Experience in program planning/development
Training/Facilitating experience
Knowledge of API family dynamics and effects on queer youth
Desire to increase visibility, improve familial relationships, improve mental/physical/emotional/spiritual health of API queer youth

The time commitment is about 4-8 hours a month from July through March. We would like to also have a focus group in the next couple of weeks to help guide our process which would be a great way to be involved if you feel that you cannot commit for an extended period of time. Attached you will find a history of the program and a program matrix. If you or someone you know is interested in being involved, please have them contact me ASAP. My contact info is below. I will also be available to answer any questions that you have of the program thus far.

Thank you very much for your time.
Young Men's Wellness Coordinator
127 Collingwood Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
p 415.703.6150 x13
f 415.703.6153

July 21, 2004

In this issue of GSA Network News, you'll find:

GSA Network Highlight
SoCal Activist Camp

GSA Network Announcements
1. Diana's Gender Bender Ball
2. The Family Acceptance Project is ready to listen
3. Take GSA Network's Year End Evaluation
4. Is your school safe for LGBT youth? Take this survey!
5. Drop-In at the Fresno GSA Network office

Other Announcements
6. Real Talk Teen Project (Sacramento)
7. Art in Action Camp
8. Gender Blenders Youth Group at the Rainbow Community Center! (Contra Costa)
9. 2004 Queer Asian & Pacific Islander Pride Scholarship Awards Ceremony (SF)
10. ULOAH Announces Black Lesbian Youth Leadership Retreat (So Cal)
11. Robin's Hood Film Screening this Saturday (Santa Cruz)
12. Trannies on Film
13. Apply for a LYRIC computer grant!
15. LGBTQQ youth and children of LGBT parents: Tell Your Story To Support
Same-Sex Marriage!
15. Youth Needed for Children's Fund Citizens' Advisory Committee (SF)
16. Job for LGBTQQ youth of color
17. Assistant Coordinator position at YUCA
18. NEWS: Documentary on S.F.'s gay weddings has helped break down stereotypes
19. NEWS: High school students raise more than $700 in San Francisco walk

+++++++++++++++ GSA NETWORK HIGHLIGHT+++++++++++++++

SoCal Activist Camp
By Moi Garcia

GSA Network hosted their 4th annual GSA Activist Camp for the Southern California area in Pacific Palisades from July 9th to the 11th. The camp was host to 25 students, 6 of which led the event. While attending the camp students learned various leadership skills, as well as knowledge of an assortment of LGBTQQ topics ranging from history to organizing skills and gender issues to coalition building. The camp was a tremendous success as students learned from not only topics presented to them but by sharing experiences in their own communities.

The youth trainers were all members of the Southern California GSA Network Youth Council, and we would like to thanks them for their hard work and dedication
Jerome Calimguim, Yve Laris Cohen, Moi Garcia, Ray Jimenez, Lindsay Weber, and Darcey Zoller.

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+++++++++++++ GSA NETWORK ANNOUNCEMENTS +++++++++++++

1. Diana's Gender Bender Ball

Hello GSAers!
After three and a half years as the Community Organizer for the Central California Region of GSA Network, Diana Bohn will be leaving the network in order to pursue her work as a minister at the New Community United Methodist Church in Oakhurst.
4609 E. ILLINOIS (corner of Illinois and Maple)

Bend gender as you please. Come costumed or not. Performers are welcome.

Please contact Frankie Martinez ( 559-392-5012) or Brandon Jackson (559-292-0284) if you would like to perform.
Please bring food to share.
Gifts to "Tides Center/GSA Network" in celebration of Diana's work will be gratefully and joyfully received!
Guests are welcome.
This is a safe and sober event.
Please RSVP by AUGUST 3rd to Frankie or Brandon

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2. The Family Acceptance Project is ready to listen

Were You Harassed at School??
Have you or someone you know been victimized or harassed at school because someone knew or thought you were gay?
Would you like an opportunity to share your experiences to help prevent school harassment of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) and heterosexual youth who were harassed because someone thought they were gay?

Who Wants to Know?
Caitlin Ryan and Rafael Diaz at San Francisco State University are conducting a study of school victimization of LGBT and heterosexual youth and their families. We're looking for youth in California who would like to participate in the study. We'll use the results to develop a resource guide to help parents advocate for their children in schools to prevent school-based harassment, written in English and Spanish.
The interview will take approximately 2 hours. All information you tell us is confidential.

If you participate, you will receive $25 for your time.
Who Is Eligible?
Young people -- ages 13 -- 25 -- who :
--Identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or are a Heterosexual Youth who was harassed because someone thought you were gay
--Has been harassed in school because someone knew or thought you were gay
--Has experienced ongoing harassment for at least 6 months that caused you to miss days of school, change schools or drop out of school, or other negative experiences.
--Has family members who know about your school experiences who would be willing to talk with us.
For more information, call toll-free at: 1-888-354-4222 or visit our web page at:

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3. Take GSA Network's Year End Evaluation

Please take a few minutes to fill out GSA Network's Year End Evaluation. Your comments are VERY important to us!
Access the evaluation online:

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4. Is your school safe for LGBT youth? Take this survey!

Take a survey to tell what it's like at your school!

You can take the survey online, or download a printable version to print out for your GSA or LGBT youth group by going to The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete.
You can make a difference in only 10 minutes by improving our understanding of safety and discrimination in our schools. If you took the survey last year, take it again this year and help us see if schools are changing!

What is this all about?
GSA Network and the California Safe Schools Coalition are surveying high school and middle school students across California, with a focus on LGBT students, to learn more about safety, discrimination, and harassment in schools. Last year's survey results were published in a report called Safe Place to Learn, which you can view at

The 2004 Preventing School Harassment Survey will be a vital tool for local and statewide efforts to make schools safer for LGBT students. Last year's survey showed that harassment and discrimination are pervasive, but schools can take specific steps to make a difference. Students whose schools have a clear anti-harassment policy, students whose teachers intervene when they hear slurs, and students whose schools have GSAs were less likely to be harassed, more likely to feel safe in school, and more connected to their community and supportive adults.
We need your help! For the 2004 survey to be successful, we need hundreds of participants from schools all over California. We've sent copies of the survey to every GSA and LGBT youth group in California. Please administer the survey at the next meeting of your GSA or youth group.

Questions? Email

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5. Drop-In to the Fresno GSA Network office

Drop-In to the Fresno GSA Network office this Thursday from 3-5pm for good company and conversation or if you just want to check out the new magazines.

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++++++++++++++++ OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS ++++++++++++++++
GSA Network News is a publication of Gay-Straight Alliance Network. Events, resources, and news items listed under "Other Announcements" are not sponsored or written by GSA Network, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of GSA Network.

6. Real Talk Teen Project (Sacramento)

The California Coalition for Youth (CCY) advocates for the youth voice in California. CCY is working on a project that we would like to offer to the GSA members of Northern California.

Our agency is constructing a youth magazine and film, called Real Talk, aimed at depicting what life is like for youth today. The sole focus is on youth ages 13 to 19 in the Sacramento area.

All youth submissions will culminate in a filmed documentary and magazine. This is an opportunity for Sacramento youth to share with the greater community the problems youth face and possible solutions. Your youth council members can promote their ideals of creating change for LGBTQ youth and fighting homophobia in youth through these publications.

Submissions can come in the form of art (drawings, paintings), poetry, essays and any other form that depicts the youth's voice. We are looking for real stories from real youth.

For more information, check out our website at or call us at 916.340.0505 ext 111.

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7. Art in Action Camp

Art in Action
Youth Power through Art

4th annual Art in Action Camp
Rising up for Peace, Justice and Self-Determination
July 23-31,2004
Jemez Springs, New Mexico (near Albuquerque)
August 16-25, 2004
Ben Lomond, California (near Santa Cruz)
AGES: 17-25
Scholarships Available!
Includes all meals, lodging and workshops.

Art in Action Camp is dedicated to bringing tools for personal and social empowerment to young people through art, dance, theater, poetry and music. We believe it is vital to support youth leadership in communities most impacted by poverty, pollution, violence and exploitation.

Call 1-877-937-YOUTH or email for more information
APPLY NOW! Fill out an application online at

Participants learn banner-making, giant puppet-building, dance theater for the streets, hip-hop history, dance and word, freedom songs, music recording and more. They also participate in workshops on subjects such as the contemporary history of cultural activism, the links between militarism and globalization/colonization, nonviolent action, alternative media and others.

Jemez Springs, Redondo Mountain Resort, New Mexico
Ben Lomond, Santa Cruz Mountains, California
An amazing 80 acres of redwood forest just 2 hours from San Francisco and 20 minutes from Santa Cruz. An outdoor Labyrinth, basketball court and towering cathedral redwoods make it a perfect location for this camp.

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8. Gender Blenders Youth Group at the Rainbow Community Center! (Contra Costa)

The Rainbow Community Center is pleased to announce a new group for Trans Youth and Trans issues.

An open group focused on discussion and support for Trangender Youth Ages 21 and under.

We're open to all flavors, genders, sexualities.... EVERYONE!

We meet the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month from 3PM - 4PM at the Rainbow Community Center of Contra Costa County Starting August 14th, 2004.

Come for discussion and stay for RCC youth saturdays (Pool, radio, movies, PS2, snacks and more...)

2118 Willow Pass Road, Suite 500 (above and behind starbucks at Todas Santos Park)
Concord, CA 94520

For more information you can call the RCC at (925) 692-0990

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9. 2004 Queer Asian & Pacific Islander Pride Scholarship Awards Ceremony (SF)

You are invited to...
2004 Queer Asian & Pacific Islander Pride Scholarship Awards Ceremony
Wednesday, July 28
SF LGBT Center, Spencer Andrew Ceremonial Room
1800 Market Street, SF, CA 94102

Please come honor the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning A&PI youth awardees.
Refreshments will be served.

The Queer A&PI Pride Scholarship is brought to you by A&PI Wellness Center, Edward Cheng Ming Tang, and the Peninsula Community Foundation.

For More Information Contact:
Sabrina Wu
A&PI Wellness Center
415.292.3420 x315

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10. ULOAH Announces Black Lesbian Youth Leadership Retreat (So Cal)

United Lesbians of African Heritage (ULOAH) announces its first youth leadership training retreat entitled, "Young, Empowered Sistahs" (YES).
The retreat will be held the weekend of August 27-29, 2004 in Laguna Beach, California. This intensive, enriching and experiential retreat is open to young women ages 16-26.
Lodging, meals and retreat activities costs are all covered by ULOAH.

ULOAH is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the visibility, unity and empowerment of black lesbians. ULOAH also offers paid internships and Sistahfest scholarships to young black lesbians.
Please contact ULOAH at: or call the ULOAHline (323) 960-5051
for an application.

Space is limited so don't delay! Spread the word!

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11. Robin's Hood Film Screening this Saturday (Santa Cruz)

By request, some info about the film Robin's Hood:
The film is an interracial lesbian love story borrowing from the classic tale of Robin Hood and its central conceit of stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Millman's modern-day take is set in an economically depressed neighborhood in Oakland. A butch thief named Brooklyn (Clody Cates) meets her match in Robin (Khahtee V. Turner), a black social worker determined to help the area's residents. Before long, the two are partners in love and crime, holding up banks and distributing the proceeds to the needy.

Information about Sara Millman, Filmworks7 and the showing this Saturday:
Sara Millman is a visionary filmmaker whose idea for Robin's Hood came to her in a dream during a major transition time of her life. She took her idea, germinated it into a screenplay, and brought it to the big screen in her first full-length feature film. Sara comes home to Santa Cruz with her film Robin's Hood for its premiere Santa Cruz showing at the Rio Theatre on Saturday July 24, at 8:00 pm.

The showing will be preceded by dessert and silent auction from 7:00 - 8:00 pm. The premiere is a benefit for Filmworks7's next production and for The Diversity Center, the Santa Cruz LGBT community center.
Tickets start at $10.50 in advance and are available at The Diversity Center, 177 Walnut Ave. or Herland, 1014 Cedar St. both in Santa Cruz. Tickets start at $12.50 at the door.

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12. Trannies on Film

TRANNIES ON FILM: A two-day festival of movies, shorts, and documentaries for, by, and about people who change genders.
The Queer Outskirts is pleased to curate this event with faculty support from the New College of California Activist and Social Change program. We seek works that go beyond the mass media
images of bodies and sexuality.
Showings begin on August 28th at the New College (777 Valencia St., San Francisco.), so please send inquiries to by August 1st.

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13. Apply for a LYRIC computer grant!

need a computer for school..?
apply for a LYRIC computer grant!
fill out a computer grant application,telling us:
1. what you will use the computer for (homework, graphic design, etc)
2. why you need and deserve the computer
3. your contact information
you can get a computer grant application from any LYRIC staff
applications are due by Friday, July 23rd 2004

call 703-8510 x.39 or

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14. LGBTQQ youth and children of LGBT parents: Tell Your Story To Support Same-Sex Marriage!

Tell us your story about what it's like to be an LGBTQQ youth! We also want to hear from children of gay / lesbian parents!
The San Francisco City Attorney's Office is working for Mayor Gavin Newsom to fight for marriage for same sex couples in California. We are interested in your stories and your point of view. For example, what difference it would make to you if gay people could legally marry? Would it change the way you feel? For children of lesbians and gays, would it change everyday things like picking you up from school, or checking in at the doctor's office?
Whether you are in the Bay Area or in another part of California, we want to hear your stories!

If you are interested in telling your story to try to help with the research in the marriage cases, please respond to this email and let your GSA Network / LYRIC staff know. Someone from the City Attorney's Office will then contact you and/or your parent/parents (whichever you prefer) within the next few days or weeks to talk on the telephone about your story.

If you or your parent/parents have any questions, please call or email your GSA Network/LYRIC staff.
You can also contact Bobbie Wilson, one of the attorneys working on the case, at (415) 765-4642, or email her at
Thanks for considering telling your story to help with the research for this important case!

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15. Youth Needed for Children's Fund Citizens' Advisory Committee (SF)

The Children's Fund Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) is a group that provides advice and guidance to the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families (DCYF) and the mayor on programs for children, youth and families. One of the CAC's major tasks during the coming year is to work with DCYF to carry out the community needs assessment, a public process that gathers community input on the needs of San Francisco's young people and helps to determine the kinds of programs that DCYF funds.

Currently 13 of the 15-member CAC seats are vacant. Of particularly note is that at least three CAC members must be youth under 18 years of age. (There are separate application forms for applicants under 18 years and applicants 18 or older.)

In 2003, the Citizens' Advisory Committee established the Youth Funding Youth Ideas Subcommittee (YFYI). YFYI is made up of seven members, most of who are under age 18. One of the major tasks for members of this subcommittee is to work with the CAC and DCYF to create and oversee the ongoing plan for how approximately $850,00 in funds for youth-initiated projects should be spent in San Francisco annually.
Applications are now being take for both the the CAC and the YIFI. The application deadline is August 13.

To learn more about this opportunity please or to download an application please visit the following link:
You can get additional information by contacting Ken Bukowski, DCYF's Assistant Director of Budget and Administration, at 415-934-4844 or at

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16. Job for LGBTQQ youth of color

Community United Against Violence
Title: Love and Justice Project Youth Organizer

General Responsibilities:
Organize and lead the program and progress of the Love and Justice project. Love and Justice is a relationship violence/abuse outreach & education project empowering bay area Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two Spirit, Transgender, and Queer and questioning youth of color to ending violence within and against their communities.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth of color
Ability to commit for 1 year
Must be 25 and under
Priority hire for youth 18 and Under
Willingness to learn and share knowledge
Ability to work in a diverse environment
Interested in learning about anti-oppression and relationship violence
Reliable, responsible and punctual

Job responsibilities:
Youth organizing
Create and facilitate workshops (ex. healthy relationships & anti-oppression)
Participate in group workshops and trainings
Attend weekly advisory group meetings
Partake in social justice trainings
Receive Speakers Bureau training
Take job skill class and other office tasks if needed
Organize youth events and distribute outreach work
Create Multi-media

$9.00 per hours
10+ hours a week
Please submit a resume or application to:
The Love & Justice Project
160 14th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Application Deadline is October 1, 2004

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17. Assistant Coordinator position at YUCA

YUCA, a project of the Tides Center, is an equal opportunity employer. We strongly encourage and seek applications from women, people of color, including bilingual and bicultural individuals, as well as members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender communities.

YUCA (a project of the Tides Center) is a grassroots community organization created, led, and run by young people of color, majority from low-income communities, providing a safe space for young people to empower ourselves and work on environmental and social justice issues to establish positive systemic change through grassroots community organizing. In East Palo Alto, YUCA is working with youth of color to challenge environmental racism and gentrification through two campaigns.

Position Overview
* Be third person in team of three to facilitate and coordinate a youth-led organizing program
* Assist in the supervision and support of high school youth in organizing campaigns and education projects in the
* Participate in developing youth membership base
* Mentor high school youth
* Work with other staff to develop political education, training and skills curriculum for youth
* Work with other staff to develop computer skills of youth
* Meet with foundations and funders
* Coordinate Fun Nights
* Coordinate Family Nights and other events
* Attend Staff Meetings and Retreats for Evaluation, Planning and Programmatic and Organization Development
* Participate in Staff Development Trainings and Workshops
* Higher Learning administration and paperwork
* Drive youth to YUCA related events and meetings
* Collaboration with Ally and Community Organizations
* Creating a safe space for youth
* Aid youth in campaign strategy, project planning, and decision making as a facilitator

The ideal candidate should have experience in community organizing, developing the political consciousness of and working with low-income young people color. Candidate should be patient, detail oriented, possess good time management skills, have basic computer skills, be a "people person", able to work under pressure and in a fast-paced environment. Candidate should be
politically conscious and have a commitment to the empowerment of low-income young people of color and environmental justice.
Fluency in Spanish, Tongan or Samoan is also desired.

The Higher Learning Assistant Coordinator will be supervised by the Higher Learning Coordinator. Salary starts at $12.98/hour and goes up to range between $14.42 to 16.83 [depending on experience and performance] after three months with pro-rated medical and dental benefits. Position is 30 to 40 hours per week throughout the year with four weeks of paid vacation. Specific hours may vary and will include some weekends and holidays.
Position Starts September 15, 2004 (negotiable)

Please submit resume and cover letter by July 28, 2004 to:
ATTN: Le Tim Ly, Higher Learning Coordinator [ ]
1848 Bay Road, East Palo Alto, CA 94303
Phone: (650) 322-9165 Fax: (650) 322-1820

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18. NEWS: Documentary on S.F.'s gay weddings has helped break down stereotypes

Janine DeFao, Chronicle Staff Writer Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Zach Landman had planned to do a documentary for his high school senior project on a subject he knew intimately -- the pressures of high school sports.

Instead, the linebacker at Orinda's Miramonte High ended up tackling the hot-button issue of same-sex marriage, which he'd barely given a passing thought. "I don't really have any gay friends or family members," Landman, 17, recalled last week. "I honestly couldn't have told you if I was for it or against it."

But news images of gays and lesbians lining up outside San Francisco City Hall on a rainy morning in February to be the first same-sex couples in the nation to marry were enough to convince the fledgling filmmaker that he had a chance to capture a historic event.

Read the complete article by visiting:

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19. NEWS: High school students raise more than $700 in San Francisco walk

Monday, July 19, 2004
Napa Register Staff Writer

SAN FRANCISCO -- Brittany Davis wondered aloud Sunday if her aunt, who has the AIDS virus, would be at the San Francisco AIDS Walk.
"She's probably not well enough to walk," said Davis, 15, a sophomore at Vintage High School.
But Davis was there, one among a group of Napa teens who joined the estimated 25,000 walkers on Sunday in Golden Gate Park to raise money for AIDS charities throughout the Bay Area.
The local youth were a mix of members from the Gay/Straight Alliance of Vintage High School, New Tech High School, and Napa Christian School, and were joined by friends and family. The close-knit group of 10 traveled from Vallejo to San Francisco by ferry early Sunday morning, as they tallied $771 in donations.

Read the full article at:

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